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Boozy Caramel Popcorn Shake

Boozy Caramel Popcorn Shake

23rd Jun 2020

#Cocktail of the Week 

What’s that you say? Boozy Caramel Popcorn Shake? Coming right up...

A sweet nutty delight with a much-needed kick to farewell the working week and slide into the weekend.

Simply add to a blender:

  • 500ml vanilla ice cream or custard
  • 1/2 cup milk
  • 1 cup caramel popcorn plus additional for garnish
  • 60ml bourbon (Kentucky Gentleman is perfect) 
  • 2 tablespoons caramel sauce plus have more on hand for garnish

Once blended smooth, pour into 2 glasses, top with extra caramel popcorn and swirls of caramel sauce. 

You’re Welcome! 
